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Download H.265 videos through Sync for DJI


     Our app Sync for DJI now boasts H.265 or HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) support, a virtuous and faster way of streaming high quality videos. It has significantly improved coding efficiency compared to its predecessor H.264 or AVC (Advanced Video Coding).


     H.265, DJI GO 4 app are not yet compatible, however, it is a must-have to fully utilize your storage space without compromising video quality. Mavic 2 PRO and Mavic 2 Zoom users require a considerable amount of storage space. HVEC ensures up to 50% storage reduction, since its algorithm utilizes the lowest bit rate for encoding video, while maintaining its high quality. Sync for DJI is the only app which currently offers H.265 Mavic 2 PRO support for efficient downloading and sharing of videos.

     Listed below are some of the primary reasons why drone users should adopt the H.265 over H.264.


Better compression


     The newer codec offers a massively improved compression rate and with H.265 a video of the same quality requires almost half the space it previously occupied, consequently making sharing and downloading these videos easier. This improvement is a result of increase in macroblock size among other improved features. With H.264 only 16 x 16 pixel macroblocks could be supported, which is not quite efficient for higher resolution videos. H.265 offers 64 x 64 pixel macroblocks which are also referred to as CTUs (Coding Tree Units). This allows greater encoding efficiency for all resolutions.



Enhanced intraframe motion prediction


     For efficient compression of video, predicting motion between frames is essential. If a pixel doesn’t change from one frame to another this codec saves space by referencing it. It is much more efficient than reproducing the same unchanging pixel repeatedly. Therefore, with enhanced motion prediction abilities file size as well as compression quality stands improved.


Better intraframe prediction


     Analysis of movement within individual frames also assists in improving video compression, by allowing single frames to be compressed without a hitch. This is achieved by describing pixels through a mathematical function without mentioning the actual pixel values. This shrinks file size, since the mathematical function occupies less space compared to pixel data. H.265 provides a comprehensive intraframe prediction function which allows tracking of 33 directions of motion. This is far more detailed than its predecessor H.264’s nine direction prediction.  


Higher maximum frame size


Despite having limited compatible hardware H.265 is the best option for video encoding, since the world is adapting to higher and better resolution every day. It offers up to 8192 x 4320 pixels or 8K UHD. At present there are very few cameras which can actually produce 8K video and even fewer monitors which can display the aforementioned resolution. 4K and 8K are the future and will be equally important and common as HD is at present.


Parallel processing


     H.265 utilizes slices and tiles that can be decoded independently, without including the entire frame. It simply means that the now common multi-core processors are used efficiently by splitting up the decoding process and simultaneously using multiple parallel process threads. This enhanced efficiency is important for decoding videos for low-end hardware.      

Stop wondering how to download H.265 video from Mavic 2 PRO/Zoom, simply download Sync for DJI app from the App Store.


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